Monday, March 28, 2011

This Weekend Wasn't Too Bad.

Not as productive as I would have liked, but good.  I made more progress than I would have on a typical weekend.  Like I said before, I'm done with all my plant reading for the semester (yes!).  I got some fun stuff.  The weather hasn't been terrible, but very cloudy and wet.  We finally got more boneless skinless chicken breasts so that we could have a yummy dinner on Sunday.  (My husband likes white meat and won't really eat the dark meat, so we have to get breasts for him.  That's okay, it means more dark meat for me! :D )  Yesterday evening we went to a family friend's little family birthday party, he and his wife are expecting their first child so quite a few of the presents were baby-oriented.  He and some friends are working on a video game and he offered to maybe let my husband and I help out with designing concept art and stuff over the summer or something.  I think it's a good opportunity.  They're not making any money on it yet, so we probably won't really get paid, but it would be a fun experience and a good portfolio builder!  So that's exciting.

I also went through my computer and cleaned it up.  I was down to about 60 GB of open space on my 250 GB hard drive, when a computer gets down to about 30 GB it starts wigging out, so I deleted a bunch of stuff and transferred my iPhoto library (over 50 GB of pictures!) onto my hard drive.  I think it would be good to back it up on a second hard drive, now that it's off my laptop it makes me nervous, but oh well.  I was jealous that my husband has about 170 GB free space on his brand new laptop, he doesn't have a lot of junk stored on it like I do mine.  So yeah, I transferred and deleted stuff, then downloaded all the digital movie copies that came with our Blu-ray DVDs we got for Christmas, and I now have about 115 GB of free space!  I need to purge some more, but I think that's pretty good for now!  I have a few more movies I want to get on my computer that I got for Christmas, but they didn't have digital copies, so I'll have to convert them.  They should only take up a few more gigabytes though, so it'll be no big deal.

Well, I have a TON of stuff still to do, all in the next two weeks!  I should get on that.  Today I am going to do ALL of my sketching so that Wednesday I can hopefully start painting!

-Odd out