Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Used to Wonder

I used to wonder how authors could crank out stories so quickly.  When I wrote my first (currently unfinished and failed) novel I spent three years on it, mainly during the school year, and I only managed to write about 108 pages and struggled with the ideas.  Now I'm writing again, and happily I've found my muse.  I'm writing a completely different story and have over 135 pages and I've only been working on it for roughly two-ish months off-and-on at least once a week, and I have plenty of ideas and it's a much stronger piece.  I also am brimming with ideas and concepts for a sequel or two.  I am amazed how four years of maturity and educational training can make such a difference!  It's brilliant!

Get educated people, it lets you think better, even if it might seem boring at the time.