Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Festival of Colors - Salt Lake 2012

This year I had the chance to go to the Hindu Festival of Colors in Salt Lake City.  The Festival of Colors is a celebration of life and happiness.  It was pretty cool, and a lot like an open-air concert with a live band.  It was a dark and drizzly day, and rained on us a couple of times, but the clouds only made the colored chalk more beautiful and bright.  The chalk dust they give you to throw is scented and comes in lots of vibrant as well as pastel colors.  We bought some Indian food, the strawberry drink we got was insanely good, and ate it while it rained.  Some of the pink color got thrown into B-man's eye and turned blood red.  It took us a moment to realize that the pink chalk just turns that color when wet and that he wasn't injured and bleeding.  Also, the chalk gets EVERYWHERE!  As we were walking to the event, there were people leaving from the previous color throw.  They were absolutely covered in rainbows of color and passing out hugs and chucking what was left of their chalk at the un-colored people.  By the time we arrived we all had at least a splash of color on us.  I wore a normal t-shirt and figured I was pretty good for not getting color in my underwear.  I was very wrong.  The chalk seriously gets everywhere.  One good toss from a stranger and my entire shirt, inside and out, was very green.

Overall it was a great experience!  I had a lot of fun with my friends, learned a smidgen about Hindu culture, and became a rainbow. :D  Next year I hope to go to the one in Spanish Fork where they have a legit, big, fancy temple and thousands of people show up.

Color color everywhere!

Mandatory picture of my shoes.  I think they were the most colorful out of the bunch of us.

Since we couldn't see them, we all had to take pictures of the tops of our heads!

I thought her ear was very beautiful and artistic by the end of it all!

I made a comic about it!  See more comics about me here!

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