Sunday, May 12, 2013

All Terminal Cases Creative Process MEME Part 2

The continuation of that MEME that I got from Shazzbaa on Tumblr.  Apparently I've lost the original... the link doesn't work anymore.

First half in this post: LINK
  • red: is it hard for you to think up new ideas? list three of your biggest influences.
  • orange: what do you do when you’re inspired? do you scream eureka, write the idea down in a notebook, what? 
  • yellow: what do you do when you’re stuck in a block? list three sources of inspiration when new ideas are scarce.
  • green: how do you flesh out an idea? does it take a long time, do you mull over it for hours, or does it come easily? describe the process!
  • blue: depending on your form of art, what are some of your favorite ways to characterize, add detail, design, establish a settling, or otherwise elaborate on the piece? are you fond of world-building, or does that pose a problem for you? (customize this question if you’re an artist or otherwise)
  • indigo: picture of your workspace!
  • violet: describe your work habits. do you eat? do you need music? are you messy or organized? do you keep a notebook? how long can you work at a time? etc.
  • silver: what’s the hardest part of a piece for you? (plot, background, etc)
  • gold: the easiest? 
  • black: what is your least favorite part of the creative process?
  • white: your favorite? 
  • rainbow: do you believe in true originality? 
  • brown: what does it take for you to honestly be proud of something? 
  • pink: what is the most rewarding part of being a writer, artist, etc? 
  • magenta: what drives you the most insANE?
Indigopicture of your workspace!

Hey lookit!  It's my workspace!  These pictures are a little outdated now since I got an iMac as a graduation present and now have two monitors on my desk, but I've only had it for two weeks now and haven't really worked with it yet.

Violetdescribe your work habits. do you eat? do you need music? are you messy or organized? do you keep a notebook? how long can you work at a time? etc.
I like to listen to music.  When I'm doing art I can listen to anything, but while I'm writing I can't listen to music with words.  At least, nothing in English.  As you can see in the image above, I'm a little messy.  Not super messy, but messy.  
I have one sketchbook I carry around with me all the time, a folder of loose paper to draw on when I want to draw something bigger than my sketchbook, a folder with legal-size paper for drawing my comic on, an idea book for writing down concepts, ideas, dreams, etc. in, and right now I also have a small spiral notebook that I'm writing stuff in for a campaign I'm getting ready to run.  I used to have multiple notebooks for writing things down in, but just like my blogs that always seemed like too much effort to me, so I condensed it all down into one book.  That's working out much better.  :)
I can work for very long periods of time, especially while I'm listening to music, but I do periodically go surf the internet and see if anything has updated since I last peeked.
That's probably something important to mention.  I have a routine I go through on the internet in the mornings before I do much anything else.  I read the comics I follow, then check Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook, then deviantArt.  This tends to take roughly an hour and is how I stay on top of everything that happens on those sites.  That way when I go peek at things later while I'm working I don't end up spending hours and hours trawling the web.
I sometimes work better when I have an audience, especially when I'm trying to do something I'm not so excited about or have gotten a bit tired of.  Other times I get lonely and don't feel like doing anything.  When any of that happens, I turn on livestream and work away on things or share my screen with a friend.  This helps me a surprising amount to focus and have fun doing art.

Silverwhat’s the hardest part of a piece for you? (plot, background, etc)
Backgrounds and setting.  My brain is driven by concepts, characters, and good plots.  Figuring out backgrounds in art or setting in story and actually drawing or writing it is the toughest part for me.  I need to practice more.

Goldthe easiest?
Coming up with characters and concepts.  I love doing this.

Blackwhat is your least favorite part of the creative process?
I'm not sure.  Maybe trying to find time to make progress.

Whiteyour favorite?
Playing with the ideas!  That could be drawing it out, writing, or even just thinking about it and asking questions to come up with ideas.

Rainbowdo you believe in true originality? 
Yes.  Originality is your unique way of taking the pieces of what you have and putting them together.  Originality is how you look at things.  Originality is being yourself and not being anyone else.  This doesn't mean you never copy others, never agree with others, or try to be different.  It means learning from everything around you and making up your own mind.

Brownwhat does it take for you to honestly be proud of something?
Being surprised or pleased by it in the end.  If I've managed to push forward a step, then I feel very proud of myself.

Pinkwhat is the most rewarding part of being a writer, artist, etc?
Creating.  Nothing is more satisfying than creating.  Even being with people (something I crave) can't hold a candle to the sense of fulfillment creating gives me.

Magentawhat drives you the most insANE?
People who are hateful, think they're better or know better, or refuse to educate themselves.  It's my biggest pet-peeve.  Being closed-minded and judgmental doesn't help you and makes things harder for everyone around you.