Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've come back to the classic

Hello!  I've been in a little dilemma for the past little while of social networking.  I hate facebook and quit, so I've been trying Tumblr.  Tumblr is missing some key features I want to have in my social networking life, like the ability to reply to comments.  Tumblr is mostly all one-way communication.  But I don't think I'll quit it just yet since it's an okay place to advertise, but I really miss having a blog... I've kinda missed that since quitting Xanga and joining Facebook years ago.  So here I am again, back on blogger!  I guess there's also livejournal, but that has the drama stigma to it.  I used to have one, but never posted on it.  I think it's still floating around out there somewhere, my Xanga still is apparently, so why shouldn't my LJ?

So here I am.  I think I'll use this blog to write more of life stuff.  My art blog is the more "professional" one where I will post art WIP, finished art, sketches, and tutorials if I ever make them.  Here I will talk about life, just ramble, and possibly talk about other random project I'll be working on that aren't necessarily art related like my novels I write, poetry, crafts, and other random junk like that.  It's not junk though.  Yup!  This should work out much better!  Now I just need to get myself an audience...  C'mon peeps!  Get a blogger and follow me!

-Odd out

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